In less than two weeks, I'm moving to Slovenia. For one year I will work as a volunteer for United Games Slovenia, together with Juli from Hungary. And I'm really excited!
But believe me - there's a lot to think about before leaving too: telling Norway you're leaving (through many forms and paperwork), telling Norway you will be coming back, telling your university that you are leaving and coming back, telling EU you're going to be a volunteer, telling Norwegian embassy in Ljubljana that you are coming, buying tickets, saying good-bye to friends and family and well, packing for one year... The list gets longer every day!
First, I wanted to pack, well, pretty much everything I have. But after living out of a backpack for 6 weeks this summer and not missing a thing, I see that packing might not be that hard. Still, I'm not quite sure what to bring - what will I need one year in Slovenia? More than I can fit into one suitcase - that's for sure. So the plan is: I'll bring most things now, and my parents the rest when they are visiting me later this fall:-)
As I said, there's a lot of preparations. But there's also so much to be excited about! A new language, a new city, new people, new (and old) friends, coffee in Ljubljana, be able to focus on only volunteering without being interrupted of studies, fall in Slovenia... This list is even longer!:-D
Today, I helped my granddad put up skype on his computer so that we can stay in touch when I'm there and he's here. And I would encourage everyone else to do the same. And let's face it - we will stay in touch through facebook, skype, msn and mail. And don't forget to visit me either;-)
Sooo, this is it for now people. I still have some forms to fill out and people to say good-bye to. The adventure starts in less than two weeks. Wish me luck;-)
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